In Praise of Haircut

Imagine for yourself you are in the barbershop waiting your turn. You’re trying to read your magazine but
distracted by the barbers – as usual. You’re probably next, but the barber you like most is about to start a haircut
on a really shaggy guy. You give up on reading and decide to watch the haircut instead. (You admit you’ve never actually
finished an article in any barbershops magazine). This guy, this shaggy blonde – who is he? He looks familiar – but you
can’t exactly recall. You pull out your phone and scroll a bit through a well-known men’s haircut site – and there you see it!
“It’s him, the guy from Haircut Cinema!” your internal voice screams!

He’s back…  “In Praise of Haircut”. He fidgets in the chair. He plays with his hair. The barber knows
just what to do. Cape him up and face him away from the mirror. Let the barber take control and do his
thing. This is one of those “total transformation” style haircuts – where the guy just looks so different
(better) than before. Haircuts have that sort of power, don’t they? You’ll enjoy a variety of scenes and
shots in this movie. Close up and wide – throughout every step. His facial expressions during the movie tell you
how much he enjoys being the center of attention. Plenty of “pause-worthy” still moments
of a beautiful haircut are captured on video.

FULL RUN TIME: 20min 58sec